Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blue Skies will be missed again!

     For two months time, we've enjoyed our summer vacations and I know all of us still can't leave our beds, chairs, swings and the beach but we should accept the fact that summer is all over and let us all bid goodbye to the blue skies where we saw all the birds and as well as those plains passing by. Rainy season again came and unfortunately, it would be more rigid than last year because of the La Niña Phenomenon that brings frequent pouring of rains. The blue skies will fade and will show maybe for one or two days but again fade, and show and fade and so on down the line, a cycle that will be observed by many when the rains come. 
    The hot weather is also a cause of excessive rains during rainy seasons because it is like a triggering  device that inhibits the cold weather from the opposite corner of the globe to mix up with the hot weather and form rain carrying clouds. 
      Goddbye to the clear skies and hello to the gray skies. Blue skies, thank you for a very memorable summer vacation, 'til we meet again, you would be missed.

From Rayven with S H O U T!!!
Good afternoon :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the word Goddbye, it's a typo. thank you :)


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