Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back To School, whether you like it or YOU LIKE IT!

      Days are counting and we should all bid goodbye to the long vacation and say hello again to our campuses, teachers, deans, principals, friends, enemies, girlfriends, boyfriends, classmates and of course, our cheatmates. We should prepare our selves because surely, we would be getting hard out of bed, waking-up early and many things that we are free from during the vacation. The books are again taken out from the shelves, should be cleaned before classes start and as well as the budget for the supplies we need for the school. Well, whether you like it or YOU LIKE IT, you should do the necessary procedures to prepare for school, besides it's your annual activity on the last dates of May before June enters the calendar. Perhaps, you have read already many things before you get inside that classroom where you will give your all for the whole year, the best and nothing but the best.
    I just remembered my first days of classes during my kindergarten years and elementary as well, I cry, shout and call for my grandmom who used to bring me to school before, the new faces, the new objects that I have and many things. Entering something always needs adjustment and acceptance, if you will not accept the fact that you are a student and you need education just to pursue your dreams and become successful, then you will surely fail and fall in a bottomless pit of your life. For God sake! You should be used to it, carry on and be confident, besides it would be your future which is being talked about here, it's not them, it's not about everybody, it is all about you and your success waiting for you on that future ahead of you. No one can beat you but yourself, so why fear of new faces? Why fear of new teachers? They would just be the road signs of your path that would lead you to something good, and most importantly molding you to become a better individual and a better citizen of your society. Nobody could help you with this reality of the circle of life but yourself because you are the one who carries it and no one does it for you. Being positive in all aspects of life is a good thing to hear and see, for it inspires every individual that surrounds you like your friends, enemies, teachers and your parents as well.

   Do not be afraid of new tasks in school, new projects and expectations of hardship because these just mean that you have acquired new knowledge and moved to another level of difficulty. Everyone should be studios enough so that the hard works of our parents would not be took for granted. School is an exciting place, it is the place where the keys for your door of success hangs and in order to grab it, you should be strong enough to face challenges of student life. Being inside the four corners of the campus is just a milestone that you should pass, for it is only a part of living that molds you to sore high and be a leader to your society, not necessarily a leader but a follower of good heart and advocacy.
   So class, let's get the party started, be excited, enjoy the last days of vacation but be prepare for another journey that awaits all of us in June.
    Welcome back to School!

From Rayven with S H O U T!!
Good Afternoon

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