Thursday, June 02, 2011

       I just remembered words from Og Mandino, "I will Act now!", "Tomorrow never comes" and "Tomorrow is reserved for the labor of the lazy". I became inspired by these quotations of him, to do things even not needed today because it is only the person who accepts tomorrow as a substitute for the day to finish and accomplish goals. A person who tends to create things in another day are those persons whom you could consider as lazy individuals because if they are not those kind, they should exert more effort and give their best for the current day to accomplish these goals, may it be short-term or long-term. 
     My classmates in college always tell me to take a break on things that are not needed the following day because according to them, I should also remember breaks and as well time for myself. I get mad to them when they tell those things to me, precisely because I am the kind of person who is afraid of being criticized by teachers if I will not accomplish my task so I trained myself to be ready and finish my works ahead of time. I always look to myself as a person with a desire to success and as well as desire to be a person that could create change to my society. I always do things ahead of time for my classmates to realize that I am setting an example to them and they should also do what I am doing for them to be lifted away from rush and cramming.
     My first year of college ended with so much happiness because I do not have to go back and forth to school and cut my vacation just to settle some tasks that I haven't achieved during the Semester or the year. I am proud to my self that I have become a good university student, a very industrious one and I know if everyone learns my way of living, many people would be successful and as well be an example to the society like me even for simple reasons. 
     "This is the time, this is the place, I am the man, I will act now!"

From Rayven with S H O U T!!
Good Evening

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